Diputació de Tarragona


Deltaventur - Parc d'Aventura i Natura

Carretera Far de Buda 2
43580 DeltebreTarragona, Catalunya
Phone977706730, Mobile610448800 / 697970700 / 607950408

The Deltaventur Adventure and Nature Park was born of the union of `Parque de Natura Deltarium´, inaugurated in 2005, and the Deltaventur Adventure Park, created in 2009.  In the `Parc´, different activities can be performed, like kayak or canoeing, which can be enjoyed in the open sea, in a lagoon or on the Ebro river, bordering Buda Island and move to Migjorn beach. They also offer other activities, like paintball, multi-activity (archery, quads circuits, climbing, Tibetan bridges and obstacle course), `pèrxar´ boats moved with a pole, bikes, canoes, school-farms with animals, numerous environmental workshops, etc. Other sports visitors can enjoy at Deltaventur are canyon descents in Horta de Sant Joan, sailing in Sant Carles de la Ràpita or in Amposta, diving, biking on the `Vía Verde´ (Green Trail) in Zafan Valley and 4x4 routes in the Ebro Delta or in the `Ports de Beseit´.


Inland and waterborne activities, gastronomy, wine, culture, nature…
We make it easy for you!



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