Diputació de Tarragona

Use of this website constitutes full, unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this legal notice.

This website and all its content, including texts, images, sound and any other type of material, are the property of the Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government, of an organisation linked to it or of third parties that have authorised the Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government to use their content. All intellectual property rights are reserved, and the terms of Act 1/1996 of 12 April, approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Act, shall apply, and the website and its content may not be used, reproduced, distributed, modified, publicly communicated, transferred or transformed, or disseminated in any other unauthorised way, by any media or means. Breach of this prohibition shall be duly sanctioned.

Access to this website does not grant users any intellectual property rights whatsoever to its content. Should the user provide information, such as comments, suggestions or ideas, through means enabling the transmission thereof, this information shall be deemed to have been transferred free of charge.

The user may make solely personal and private, and under no circumstances commercial, use of the website. Modifications to the website or its content are strictly prohibited.

Administrative information provided through this website shall not replace the legal announcement of laws, general provisions and acts formally published in the BOP (Official Province Gazette) or any other official gazette, the print editions of which are the only binding instruments with regard to the authenticity and content thereof.

The administration of the Tourist Board is not responsible for any information obtained through links to external systems that do not pertain to the Board.

The Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government expressly does not accept liability for errors or omissions in the information contained on this website. This notwithstanding, it will attempt to prevent, correct or amend such errors or omissions quickly upon becoming aware of or being alerted to same.

The Tourist Board of the Tarragona Provincial Government does not guarantee that the website and server are free of viruses or other elements that could cause alterations, nor can it guarantee the absolute invulnerability of its security systems. The Tourist Board shall not be liable for any damage caused through access to the website or lack thereof, viewing errors, downloads, interruptions in the service or other connection problems.

It is incumbent on the user to ensure that his/her computer is duly protected against viruses and spyware.

The Tourist Board reserves the right to modify and/or update, at any time and without prior notice, the information contained on the website, its layout and its presentation, as well as to limit and prevent, likewise without prior notice, access to it, whether on a temporary or permanent basis.

The user is liable for the use s/he makes of the information contained on this website. The Tourist Board shall not be held liable for inappropriate use of the information it contains.

Permission for use of the Costa Daurada picture archive

Total or partial reproduction of the pictures contained in this CD is permitted in the following cases:

a) Use by companies in the tourism sector: tour operators, travel agencies, airlines, accommodation companies, tourist offices, and others, providing the material is used in tourist publications that are distributed free of charge.
b) Use by the communications media in reports and articles that disseminate the image of the Costa Daurada.

In compliance with the current legislation the Tarragona provincial Government Tourism Board should be acknowledged in the photo caption or introductory credits. This applies to all photographs except the following:· “Casa Anguera 1905”, “Casa Navàs 1901-1907”, “Institut Pere Mata”, “Reus - Teatre Fortuny” i “Vitrall Casa Navàs”, in which Reus Tourism should be acknowledged. · “Capçalera del Circ”, “Muralla - Passeig arqueològic”, “Catedral”, “Muralla”, “Volta del Circ”, “Pilar baixant”, “Castells” i “Serrallo peix”, in which the Tarragona Municipal Tourism Board should be acknowledged. · “Detall spa”, in which the hotel Mas Passamaner should be acknowledged. · “Le Meridien RA”, “Spa”, i “xocoteràpia” , in which the hotel Le Meridien Ra should be acknowledged.


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