Crossing of the Els Ports Natural Park

Discover three kingdoms by bicycle. Sounds good, right?

Distance, duration, unevenness and difficulty

165.94 km
+3499m / -3499m
Circular route: Si
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The Els Ports Natural Park includes parts of Catalonia, but also Aragon and Valencia. They make up the so-called three kingdoms. Get ready to start a long mountain tour and know the kingdoms of Els Ports.

It is a difficult itinerary, in which the cyclist's technical skillsand resistance capacities are of vital importance when reaching the ascents of the road. Think you have 160km ahead with a positive elevation difference of 2.780 meters.

The itinerary begins in Tortosa (but it is a circular route, therefore, you can start from another point), cross the Mas de Barberans and arrive at La Sénia. From this town you go up to the Ulldecona reservoir, the entrance to Valencia, where the road gives a little respite before going back up to Castell de Cabres. Herbés is the last town in Castellon that you will visit, since shortly after the crossing of Aragon begins, with Peñarroya de Tastavins, Fuentespalda and Valderrobres as the main stops. The route enters Catalonia through Arnes and continues through Prat de Comte. Following the Ebro, Xerta and Aldover are the last populations that you will see before returning to the starting point: Tortosa.