If last year you wondered if a festival for birders had any future in Catalonia, the answer now is definitely yes; and not only that, checking out the figures of attendees at this year's second edition one would say that the festival has a promising future.
Terres de l’Ebre has the perfect landscape for nature activities. Its extraordinary geography with mountain ranges and massifs, the Ebro River and the Delta make it unique, both on an ecological and human level. Therefore, it was not in vain that in 2013 it was declared a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO, making it the second one in Catalonia.
Tot i que poc coneguda, la fauna de peixos del Delta és excepcional, tant per la quantitat com, sobretot, per la diversitat. L'atles de peixos del Delta és una eina de gestió per donar a conèixer el patrimoni íctic de l'estuari deltaic, incloent els ambients aquàtics continentals i les badies, fins ara gairebé desconegudes.
Located between Catalonia, Valencia and Aragón, this limestone massif, with steep, rugged terrain has been shaped by humans since prehistoric times. However, the region of Els ports is an invulnerable natural area full of wildlife, where any nature lover would feel stimulated by its different faces: a chain of mountains with beautiful rivers, caves, gorges and peaks standing at over a thousand metres.
The aim of LIFE+PINASSA is to improve conservation of black pine forests (Pinus nigra subsp. Slazmannii) belonging to the Catalonia Natura 2000 network. Black pine trees are considered to be within the Habitats Directive as a priority habitat of community interest.
La serreta de Freginals és un petit contrafort aïllat de la serra de Montsià. Malgrat la seva reduïda altitud (240 m), des de la carena es tenen unes bones vistes: a ponent, la serra de Godall i el massís dels Ports; al nord, la vall de l’Ebre i les serres litorals; a llevant, el delta de l’Ebre; i, al sud, la serra de Montsià.